Friday, November 22, 2019

Wild Fibonacci-- Perfect Picture Book Friday

Happy Fibonacci Day!

11/23 is Fibonacci Day! A great day to celebrate the Fibonacci sequence and spiral. Pull out your cornucopia and get it ready for Thanksgiving.

My pick for this week is:
Cover art for Wild Fibonacci Book

Title: Wild Fibonacci: Nature's Secret Code Revealed
Author: Joy N. Hulme
Illustrator: Carol Schwartz 
Publisher: Tricycle Press, 2005

For ages 6 and up

Wild Fibonacci opens with front matter explaining the Fibonacci sequence and the spiral. It also offers ways to discover the sequence through exploration in nature.

Themes: Fibonacci, Mathematics, poetry, Nature, STEM

Opening Page:
In the Fibonacci sequence 
each new number comes
from adding up the two before
and figuring the sum.

This number set is used to plot
a graceful curving line
that's often found in nature
as part of its design. 

The book continues showing the sequence through counting wild animals and each animal depicted shows the curve of the spiral on a part of the animal's body.

Why I like this book:
The sequence and the spiral are fascinating and appear in so many places. Introducing children to this concept will open the door to them seeing the word in new and exciting ways.

This book mainly focuses on the Fibonacci sequence, but uses animals and obvious body parts that fit the curve of the Fibonacci spiral.

The art work is engaging and realistic.

Activities and Resources:

Learn more about Leonardo Fibonacci.
cover art for Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci

photo of three nautilus shells

Here's one I wrote:

Nautilus Shell

thread-like siphuncle                       (sigh-funk-el)
jet propulsing, moving backward
through the ocean. Rising, lowering, traveling the sea.
Hungry octopus spies a meal.
Soft delicious treat.
Empty shell
rides waves

Sarah Tobias (C) 2019

Definition of siphuncle.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Boo and Baa Have Company-- Perfect Picture Book Friday

I was at the library last week picking up a few books. This book caught my eye. Read on to find out why.

Cover art for Boo and Baa Have Company

Title: Boo and Baa Have Company
Authors/Illustrators: Lena and Olof Landstrom 
Translated by: Joan Sandin
Publisher: R & S Books, 2006

Themes: Humor, Fall, Cats, Animals, 

First Lines: It's autumn. The tree has dropped its leaves. 

Boo and Baa are a couple of sheep out raking their yard. The wheelbarrow squeaks so they oil it and then it meows.

Why I love this book:

I grew up on the Scandanavian-American Ole and Lena jokes. Here's one I found online:

Ole, Lena, and Sven were lost in the northwoods and were becoming desperate, having run out of food several days ago. It was winter, the snow was deep, their situation was looking very bleak. 

When Ole dug down into the snow to look for something to eat , he found an old lamp and upon rubbing it to get the snow off, a genie came out.

The genie says, "I am the great genie of the North and I can grant each of you one wish."

Ole says, "I vish I vas back on my farm." Poof, Ole was gone.

Lena quickly says, "I vish I vas back on da farm wit Ole." Poof, Lena was gone.

Sven was sitting there looking sad and the genie finally says, "What is your wish?" and Sven says, "Gee, I'm really lonely. I vish Ole and Lena vas back here with me".

OK, so now you know a little something about my sense of humor and a little bit of why I love stories.

This is the long way of saying, when I saw the authors names on the book cover, I had to bring it home and read it. As it began, I thought, hmm, I don't know about this book, then I turned to . . .

Page from the book. The wheelbarrow meows.
She greases the axle. "Now it meows when I push it," says Boo.
It cracked me up. I stopped and made my husband read it with me. The illustrations and text really create the whole story. Kids will be in on the joke before Boo and Baa. Boo and Baa are adorable and timeless.

While the story has a fall setting, it would be cute to read any time of year.

  • Go outside and play in the leaves. Or if you are in the Midwest, make a leafy snowman. (Our seasons got jumbled and the leaves fell after the snow.)
  • Check out a joke book and tell each other silly jokes and see who laughs first.
  • There are loads of sheep crafts on Pinterest. I chose this one because it looks like a scene and kids can create their own Boo and Baa stories.
Be sure to keep up on all of the Perfect Picture Book Friday posts at Susanna Hill's blog. You can find lots of fun books by theme at this page.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Fry Bread -- Perfect Picture Book Friday

Native American Heritage Month

cover art for Fry Bread

Title: Fry Bread: a Native American Family Tradition
Author: Kevin Noble Maillard 
Illustrator: Juana Martinez-Neal
Publisher: Roaring Book Press, 2019

Opening pages:

Fry Bread is Food
Flour, salt, water
Cornmeal, baking powder
Perhaps milk, maybe sugar
All mixed together in a bowl

This book! 

How do I describe it? It is poetry. It is history. It is truth. It is sadness and happiness. It is simple and complex. It is beautiful and powerful. It is a book for reading together and for discussing. It is for young and old.

"Fry Bread is Everything
Round, flat, large, small
North, South, East, West
Familiar and foreign, old and new
We come together"

It is a doorway to understanding, loving, making amends, opening our eyes, and creating a better future.

At the end of the book there are 8 pages of author's notes and another page of references and footnotes. So much information in a beautiful picture book.

Juana Martinez-Neal's illustrations are joyful, lively, thoughtful, sad, true and engaging. They were created in acrylics, colored pencil, and graphite on hand-textured paper.

Activities and Resources:

At the end of the book there is a recipe for Kevin's Fry Bread. This would be a wonderful family activity.

I found a recipe that is gluten free.

Activities for Native American Heritage Month

As always you can read about more perfect Picture Books at Susanna Hill's blog. Her last Perfect Picture Book was this same book. It is one worth sharing over and over again. Be sure to check out the wonderful list by themes on this page.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Moldilocks and the Three Scares -- Perfect Picture Book Friday

Our snowy Halloween has come to an end, my skeletons are cold and ready to hibernate until next year, but there's always time for a fun zombie story.

It is the Day of the Dead a time for remembrance and love so this book makes for a Perfect Picture Book today and well, any day.

Cover art for Moldilocks and the Three Scares

Title: Moldilocks and the Three Scares: A Zombie Tale
Author: Lynne Marie
Illustrator: David Rodriguez Lorenzo
Publisher: Sterling Children's Books, 2019

Opening Page: IN A HUGE HAUNTED HOUSE -- with room enough for four, there lived three Scares: Papa Scare, Mama Scare, and Baby Scare. 

Themes: Adoption, Halloween, Zombies, Classic Remakes

This remix of the classic Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a a little creepy, a little gruesome, and full of heart.

Why I love this book: 

There are not many books out there that include adoption as a topic.  This one sets you up from the beginning that this family has room for one more. Something every adopted child wants to feel is that there is room for them and they are wanted.

I love Halloween and our local schools no longer celebrate the holiday. This book isn't a Halloween story, so it makes for a great book to read this time of year. You don't have to break any rules, but you get to have some spooky creepy fun.

One of the things that I love about the end papers is that there is the black space at the bottom right corner. At first glance it seems like there was an odd choice in layout, but when you know the story, you realize it's black because it is waiting to be filled.

Activities and Resources:

You could pair this book with Sterling, Best Dog Ever by Aidan Cassie to talk about adoption and  finding a home.


You could pair this book with Zombies Don't Eat Veggies by Jorge and Megan Lacera and have a non-Halloween at Halloweenie storytime. You could even add in Zombies in Love by Kate DiPuccio for a Zombie Trifecta.

You can read more about her journey in making this book here.

Check out David's Website

He posted a sketch on Instagram that you can color.

Check out Lynne Marie's website.