Friday, January 31, 2020

Perfect Picture Book Friday-- Silent Days, Silent Dreams

I have been holding on to this PPBF book selection for a while. I didn't realize it was because I wanted to pair it with a movie recommendation, but life has a way of bringing things together.

Cover Art for the book Silent Days, Silent Dreams

Title: Silent Days, Silent Dreams
Author and Illustrator: Allen Say
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books, An Imprint of Scholastic Inc., 2017

Opening page: James Castle was born on September 25, 1899, on a farm in Garden Valley, Idaho. I think I knew him as well as anyone could know him -- which wasn't very much -- but I want to tell you how I remember him. He was my uncle.

Why I love this book:

This book reads like a picture book biography, but it is fiction. It is the story of an artist who was "deaf, mute, autistic, and probably dyslexic, yet he managed to teach himself to draw." Allen Say took all that he could learn about James' life and created a story that is told by James' nephew. 
There is a beautiful Author's note about how the story came to be at the back of the book.

The illustrations are beautiful. They tell the story, show James' art work, and are enhanced by the short blurbs of text between and next to images.

This is a book that takes time and relooking to get the full impact.

I love this book because it is beautiful. You can feel the authors love and appreciation of another artist. You can see that the Illustrator immersed himself in James' life and art, and gave him a second life in the pages of this book.

Activities and Resources:
My sister and I watched the movie The Peanut Butter Falcon.  My sister is developmentally disabled. Because she processes the world around her more slowly than others, she enjoys movies, but tends to lose interest. Not with this movie. The morning after we watched Zack as The Peanut Butter Falcon, she said that she really liked the movie. I asked what she liked about it and she went on to talk about many parts of the movie.

It dawned on me how important it is for all people to see themselves in books and movies. I knew it from personal experience,  but watching my sister watch a young man with disabilities acting in a story about living his dreams really brought it home. My sister could see herself and her abilities through the eyes of a movie character.  It also reminded me of how capable and strong my sister and everyone who has disabilities really is.
We recommend this movie: check out the interview below.

Here's the movie trailer:

  • Learn more about Allen Say
  • Make art using found paper and utensils.
  • Make puppets with cardboard and material.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Flamingo Hugs -- Perfect Picture Book Friday

This Perfect Picture Book Friday, I am thankful for Ciara O'Neal, Alicia Young, Kaitlyn Sanchez, and Flamingos.

I won this wonderful book with my Fall Frenzy writing contest submission. 

Cover art for Flamingo Hugs Aren't For Everyone

What?! Flamingo hugs aren't for everyone? No way! Who wouldn't want a hug from a flamingo?

Title: Flamingo Hugs Aren't For Everyone
Author: Ciara O'Neal
Illustrated by: Alicia Young
Publisher: (Ciara did it herself. Yes, that right, this is a self-published picture book), 2019. You can find it on Amazon.

Opening Lines: While most flamingos dreamed of dancing and dining on delicacies, Flaminga hoped for a hug. Day after day, she watched as the zoo's ponies were petted. The calves were cuddled. Even llamas were loved. Have you ever met a llama? They're grumps! But no one EVER wanted Flaminga's hugs.

Hugs, Flamingos, clumsiness

Why I like this book:
1. Flaminga is sooooo cute.
2. Hugs are wonderful.
3. Pair Flaminga and hugs, and it's just downright cuterful. Yep. I made that word up. This book is cuterful. Maybe it's wondercute. Either way, it's a fun and funny story with bright and cheerful illustrations.

Flaminga is a bit clumsy and in her attempts to give and receive hugs, things don't always go well. We've all been there. In our excitement, we move too fast, miss a step or two and Splash, Crash, we go tumbling. But that doesn't stop Flaminga from getting up and trying again and again to find somebody to hug. Join her as she attempts to wrap her bright pick wings around all the zoo visitors.

This would make a great gift book for Valentine's Day.

Activities and Resources:

At the back of the book you will discover some fun flaming facts and a coloring page.

Here's and adorable handprint flamingo craft.

Two things I have learned about flamingos over the years.
1. Flamingos need to get a running start to take flight.
2. Most flamingos in the US are domesticated. The wild flamingos were hunted out of existence. But, they are making a comeback.

More flamingo facts.

Don't miss Ciara's interview with Susanna Hill.

Can't get enough of these incredible pink birds? Here are more crafts and baking ideas.

Here are a few bonus photos of flamingos. The first two were taken in the Camargue in the South of France. The last one has become one of my Halloween decorations.

Pink Flamingos in the Camargue France
I see one ready for a hug.

Two running Pink Flamingos in the Camargue France
Did you know they run?

Plastic flamingo painted like skeleton for Halloween
Yep, a skeleton riding a skeleton flamingo. That's the way I roll.
Looking for more Perfect Picture Books? Follow Susanna Hill's Perfect Picture Book Friday Blog. She write great posts and she has made it a place for others to share their perfect picture books.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Thanku: Perfect Picture Friday

Cover art for Thanku Poems of Gratitude

Title: Thanku: Poems of Gratitude
Illustrated by: Marlena Myles
Edited by: Miranda Paul
Publisher: Millbrook Press, 2019

Opening Poem, First stanza:

Giving Thanks
by Joseph Bruchac
In Memory of Chief Jake Swamp

Thanksgiving is more
than just one day,
so a Mohawk elder
said to me.

It feels fitting to begin 2020 with a book of poems about gratitude and thanks. I have spent a lot of time reviewing the last year and planning for the year ahead. Part of that project included acknowledging everyone I am grateful The list is long and it includes, family, friends, mentors, animals, and nature.

If you listen to Matthew Winner's podcast (Matthew is a person who I am grateful to have met this past summer), you will hear the poets say whether they pronounce the name of the book Than-ku or Thank You. From the first time I saw this book, I pronounced it Thank You, but as Matthew said, It is like Thanks and Haiku. Any way you say it the book is filled with beautiful poems of gratitude and and illustrations that add even more life to each poem created by Marlena Myles.

Miranda Paul is another person for whom I am grateful. She is the editor of this book. She is one of the first authors I met when I began my writing journey three years ago.

I am grateful for each poet, for the illustrator, for the editors, art directors, and publisher of this book.

As you read the poems  you will see and read that each is written in a different style of poetry. On the page of the poem, there is a small note on which style of poetry was used. At the back of the book, the poetic forms and literary devices are explained.

The poets are from many cultures. There are short bios about each at the back of the book.

I love this book, because it is beautiful in words and illustrations. It is like holding the world in your hands as you read. It is a book to read slowly. Savor each poem. Let it sink in. Enjoy the illustrations. Open it to any page and read what is there. Come back again and again.


  • Check out the back matter in the book to learn more.
  • Try writing your own poems in the various styles.
  • Make a list of all the things you are thankful for.
  • Send thank you notes.
  • Make thank you notes and deliver them in person.
  • Share kindness. 
    • The Kindness Rocks Project is cool.
    • When I was shopping before the holidays, I went to Aldi where you have to put a quarter in the slot to use a shopping cart. I rarely need a cart, but this day I had a pretty big list and no quarter. A woman offered me the cart and said, I always pay it forward, take the cart. I like to pay-it-forward as well. When I was done shopping, I passed the cart on to another person getting ready to shop. I imagine that everyone who arrived as that cart was being put away, was greeted by a kind person paying it forward. 
    • At the Farm and Fleet, I was at a loss for stocking gifts for my husband. I asked a person for some ideas of gadgets to go with a couple tools that he had. The man took me down the aisle and told me about several fun options. In our busy days, it's easy for someone to say here's where those accessories are and then walk away, but he went above and beyond so I could make choices quickly and easily as well as have a fun conversation.
    • Yarn Bombing
    • So many possibilities, so little time.
  • Learn the truth about the First Thanksgiving. See links under resources for excellent articles and lessons.
  • Celebrate diversity in your neighborhood, your community, your city, your school, and your home.
  • Buy this book and give it to someone who has been kind to you. Buy this book for yourself and read it over and over

Links to Resources from the book:

You can listen to many of the authors talk about their poems at Matthew Winner's Children's Book Podcast

One of my first experiences with Native peoples, was with Chief Oshkosh in Door County. Attending Powwows, hearing the music, the stories, and watching the dances by the light of the bonfire are a part of me forever. Those nights are a big part of who I am today.

I hope you will take any opportunity that arises to learn more about the Native American culture and let it mix in with you and your soul. Take time to learn about all cultures and all people. Love them for who they are. Give thanks for how their life experiences expand your life and make you a more loving and peaceful person.

Be sure to check out Susanna Hill's blog to find more Perfect Picture Book Friday posts. By the way, I am so grateful to Susanna for hosting her blog with #PPBF, Would You Read It Wednesday, Debut Tuesday, and her fun writing contests.